Thursday 14 February 2013

Elliott Smith Wall

Elliott Smith is my favourite artist.

Figure 8 was the the first record of his that i bought and I then worked backwards through his catalogue.

The photo for the album was taken in LA and after Elliott's death the wall has become an unofficial memorial to him.

The mural is in the silver lake area of LA and unfortunately it doesn't seem all the residents are aware of what the mural is and means to some people. It is regularly defaced with graffiti and posters (Roger Waters came into criticism when one of his street team put a poster up over the mural).

When i visited LA the mural was covered with unrelated graffiti, people were still finding space for their messages though.

Fans of Elliott are consistently repainting the mural. The mural was last restored for the anniversary of Elliott's death in October.

Rather than simply repaint the mural, they incorporate recycled paper. For the red part of the mural, they hand-wrote every line from every song on a Smith album; for the black, they used maps, album covers, and other Smith-related items, plus 1,000 paper cranes for black; and for the white, they posed a sampling of fan messages.

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